Friday, February 18, 2011

seriously. i suck at this blogging shit

i really never get around to updating this, do i? oh well. here goes.

the diva is now six. her boyfriend from the beginning of the year is actually named L. she and L have been on again/off again all year, though always only on and off with each other. i guess it's saying something that they stay somewhat faithful to each other? they have had a blast all year. i had to have her moved away from J because he was teaching her all kinds of things i'd prefer she not learn about yet, and she ended up across the table from L. she's been loving it. however, i just found out that L is moving in about a month. i haven't told her yet. i can only imagine the blog when that happens (wow, you mean i think i'm actually going to update??)

mrs diva's teacher- you are great. diva has been doing so well in school. she has gotten the equivalent of straight As both terms and only missed one question on her state assessment the first time, and NONE the second time. i'm really proud of her. now if only her attitude would lessen!

as for me, life has been one medical issue after another. i started having issues with my lap band (long story) and had to get gastric bypass in january. it's working out pretty well for me. i've lost 29 lbs since my bypass five weeks ago. this brings me to a total of 69 lbs. i did my measurements, and i've lost a TOTAL of 7 1/2 inches from my bust, 9 inches from my waist, and 7 inches from my hips. my stomach is still disgusting, but i'll be getting that taken care of eventually. hellooooo tummy tuck! i've gone from a size 20/22 to 12/14, in all. if i don't lose another pound, i'm satisfied, but i know i will because of the nature of the surgery.

it's been a long road for my family, too. mini miley turned 11, and over thanksgiving, i got to take her to get her first training bra. did you know that she can actually turn 17 distinct shades of red? neither did i! now if only i could break this "bieber fever", life would be great. seriously, is there a vaccine for this? i need to get the diva vaccinated PRONTO!

daddy (my daddy) got remarried this november to the new stepmom. i have to differentiate, because the old stepmom is still in my life. i really like the new stepmom, and they seem to be really happy together. i was able to go to their wedding, and it was beautiful!

the other half and i are doing well. he has been amazingly supportive throughout all my surgeries and issues, and i love him more than ever. we've been together for 11 years as of tomorrow, and will have our 7 year anniversary next month. i turned 30 last october, and i'm actually feeling pretty good about it. i'm doing better at 30 than i was at 20! i really feel like my life is truly beginning!!!!

well, that's it for now. have a lot to do, including heading out to victoria's secret. not only can finally fit into her stuff, but a side effect of the weight loss? my girls are shrinking too. oh, the price i pay!

why do i feel naked without lipstick?

Friday, September 3, 2010

the love life of a kindergartener

so, the diva started kindergarten.watching the diva's life unfold is more interesting than any soap opera i've ever seen. i spent the first week of her kindergarten career listening to the entire life story of J, the boy who sits next to her. apparently, J is in karate, and has already KISSED A GIRL (which the diva thought was gross). then it's all about how she's learning to read. now she has to read everything. nah, that doesn't get annoying after awhile. really, it doesn't.

in the afternoons, i babysit the charmer. the charmer is a 6 year old cutie patootie (though he'd get totally grossed out if he heard me say that). the diva and the charmer get along like a house on fire, for the most part. last week i overheard them making life plans. they agreed to marry, as long as they never have to kiss. as the charmer put it "i'd rather kiss puke". the diva was unoffended and replied "i'd rather kiss CAT puke". just so we're clear.
that lasted about three days, until the diva chased the charmer around the house for half an hour- trying to kiss him. not too sure what that was all about, but i did notice the charmer wasn't putting up too much of a fight. aaand, back to kindergarten.

 dear, dear, DEAR mrs diva's teacher- thank you for your patience. i don't know how you do it, but the diva loves you. meanwhile, is there any chance you could tell me who Nameless is? the diva informed us the other day that she told Nameless that he could say she's his girlfriend. except she doesn't know his name. apparently names are just insignificant details in her love life. she does, however, clarify that nameless is just at school, she's still going to marry the charmer, her REAL boyfriend.

now for the update: the diva tells her daddy last night that nameless broke up with her for another girl (that scum!!!). her daddy tells her "that's okay, there's plenty of fish in the sea".
"but, daddy, it was hard enough getting that one"

on that note, i'm off to pound my head against the wall. it might improve my day.

Monday, July 26, 2010

aaaaaaaaaaaaaand she's back!

whoops. guess i should have remembered i had a blog before i just disappeared. as you can imagine, life in the abyss of home daycare gets a bit hectic. luckily, we're going to speed through (and possibly tarantino this) and sum up

pulled my head out of my, well, you know, and closed the home daycare. turns out having my home invaded by two foot tall minions for a whopping $2.95/hr (total after all taxes and expenses...yeah, that's $2.95. not per child. total) isn't all it's cracked up to be. miss my minions, but that clocktower barney with the water baloons and uzi wasn't too far off. so, i'm a stay at home mom. and if you think that's not enough work, YOU stay home with the diva- you'll be begging me to take over within a day!!!

so, the other half and i are still here in lovely southern alabama florida. british petroleum is my new i don't have to make up excuses why i won't go to the beach. of course, in about six months when the housing market here reflects their influence i'm gonna hate them, but at the moment, i'm going with the flow (HA! i'm so punny!)

the diva starts school in 10 days. kindergarten. dear mrs diva's teacher- if you're reading this, run! on one hand, i'm counting the hours till she starts, on the other hand, kind of wondering where time went. pretty sure i blinked and she's 5. since i'm not partial to her learning all about anal sex from the "sexting" fifth graders on the bus, she'll be riding in the car with me to and from school, where she can learn all about it from me (kidding!!!). i'll be looking for a job here during school hours, but thanks to who is momentarily OUT OF MY TOP 8 british petroleum, so is everyone else that worked in the tourist industry so we'll just see how that goes.

tarantino moment: got tired of all the medical bullsh** complications of being overweight thanks to the WONDERFUL VA (veterans administration, though not too far off from our virginian medicine men) dr that put me on medication that got me from a gorgeous 145 to 192 overnight, i got banded. lap banded, that is. it's been 7 months and i'm down roughly 55 lbs. on one hand, i can now shop in regular stores for regular sizes, on the other hand, i now have madonna bat wings arms and i my stomach looks like a deflated pilates ball. on the other hand (i'm a mom, i have a lot of hands!), i'm a cheap date bc i eat roughly the amount an 18 month old does, and get drunk about as quickly as one would, too.

back to the present: just got done with a three week vacay to phoenix, then three weeks with miley jr (who is back in tampa), then 5 days with stephanie from elsewhere and her family...and these events overlapped. still going strong in my mommy's group or as m6/4 (mom of 4 under six) called us, the milfs.

that's it for now, because, you guessed it, the diva needs me.

ttfn and let's see if i actually return in the next few months!

Monday, February 9, 2009

i got a case of the monday's with a side of mean reds

too bad i can't just go to tiffany's. and if you get that pop culture reference, you R-O-C-K rock!

so what is up with today? ugh with a side of argh. didn't really start out so bad. alvin didn't come today, so it was just elmo, animal and the diva. elmo was her usual angelic self. might have just been the insanity talking, but i get the bright freaking idea to take them to a gymnasium where they have "open gym" for kids. tumbling mats, all kinds of cool shit. fun, right? yeah. remind me not to do that shit again with animal. remember animal? suicidal with no sense of self preservation? i wasn't kidding. everything she could try to jump off of, she did. which was fine- except every place she wanted to jump off of just so happened to have a concrete floor. does she want to jump onto the mats? hell no. why? off the side of the trampoline? sure! off the stepstool to the water fountain? why the hell not! and this place is strict. you have to be with your kids at all times. uh huh. to quote one of my favorite doctors, all i wanted was "to clone myself and a year's supply of adderol".

does it end there? of course not! time to leave. elmo holds the diva's hand, who holds mine. i'm holding animal's hand in my other hand. WHOOSH! off she goes, breaking my hold straight into the parking lot, damn near gets hit. her dad says they haven't really worked with her on staying with them in public. i'm guessing this lesson will be coming up soon!

drive the 40 min drive back home, and animal and elmo fall asleep- for the last ten minutes. elmo goes straight back to sleep. animal doesn't. at all. she's very tired, and has slept 10 minutes. JOYFUL! thank god this kid is always in a good mood. tired and delirous, but cheerful.

to end this mean red of a day? i'm a lazy ass. i prefer to pay my neighbor kid, dee da dee, to sweep and mop my floors once a week and to help tidy up the playrooms. so i have him come over at 3 when he gets off school. it's 745pm and he's just now finished sweeping and mopping. i had to leave at 4, left him to sweep and mop. he didn't do a very good job, so when i get home at 630, i had to have him re-do it and then help tidy up the playroom again b/c i have a huge State inspection tomorrow.

oh yeah. inspection. if you hear of a lady in a barney suit at the top of a clocktower with water balloons and an uzi, i promise it's not me!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

and whatsoever

thanks to her emminence, the diva, i never got to finish. how can i POSSIBLY leave you so unsatisfied? i can't just leave you hangin!

so, i'm rowdie. from phoenix. married to the other half. we've been together for nine years, married for five (this march). the other half's pretty much your typical guy. we met when we were both in the air force, and i am no longer in. he still is. yep, my life is doomed to be forever in the wild blue yonder. other than his squadron being one of the most bass ackwards organizations i've ever known, his job is okay. most days he gets home at a normal time, and only has to go tdy a couple times a year. mostly, to vegas. seriously, did you know you can actually get tired of going to vegas? i don't believe him. then again, last time i went, i was 12 and got to wander around with my two year old cousin who didn't speak english. but, i digress.

the other half has a daughter from the ex. not the ex wife/whore- she exists, but will never again be mentioned. but the ex is okay. we get along. their daughter is mini miley. she's 9 years old, and was a preview of coming attractions. time spent with her prepared me for the diva. mini miley just moved to vegas last week with the ex and their family. kinda sucks, because we were used to going to visit her down in tampa whenever we wanted. the only plus side to her moving there? it finally got the other half to request a transfer out of this hellhole! he just requested a transfer to either phoenix or vegas. we'll see what happens. it'll just piss me off if we get transferred and the ex and her husband end up moving back to fl. oh well.

so, the other half and i are here. he's into nascar, computers and electricity. the other half has actually come up to me asking, "what can i take apart?". i just remind him that last time he took something apart (a tv) he woke up on the other side of the room. so, suffice it to say, the sparks are still there in our marriage!

as for me, the other half calls me a dork. just because i was a band geek, am obsessed with harry potter, buffy the vampire slayer and twilight. why does that make me a dork? i also loooove house md and criminal minds. i'm currently stalking matthew gray gubler, and have been for awhile. i have it on good authority that i'm his favorite stalker, but that could just be wishful thinking....

my bestest buds are chardonnay, laurel, and stephanie from elsewhere, and jenni stars and manda from here. i do not know what i would do without them. and if i didn't mention you, i still love you, i just hang/talk to these ladies the mostest.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Who? What? Where? Huh?

call it kismet. i was just thinking about starting a blog (because, come on now, who DOESN'T want to know all about fabulous me?) when my girl, laurel sent me her link. thinking i kinda gotta.

so who the hell am i?
i'm rowdie. i'm a 28 year old half korean, half sicillian military brat turned military wife. thanks to uncle sam, i've been living my last five+ years here in the panhandle of florida. yeah, if you thought florida is soo awesome, you've never been here. sure, it's gorgeous (they don't call it the emerald coast for nothing!) but that's about it. basically, i'm living in alabama. seriously, people, i'm 25 miles away from a piggly wiggly, and 20 miles away from the annual boggy bayou mullet festival in niceville, fl. if i'm lying, i'm dying, to quote mr foxworthy. i'm from phoenix. we have annual festivals like country thunder (five day concert event where EVERYONE who's anyone goes). lord, help me.

seeing as i'm here in alabama, oops, i meant florida, you can guess entertainment is limited. i get my kicks at my job. what do i do? i run a home daycare (yes, i'm crazy, but if you're reading this, you know that already). here's the cast:

elmo- 20 months old, sweetest little girl in the world. funny, charming, and yet her red hair isn't just for show!

animal (as in muppet babies)- the only suicidal 22month old i have ever met. she's a total nut. this kid has no sense of self preservation and an extra dose of charisma

alvin- pretty much sums up this soon to be 4 year old. he's animal's big brother, and has two other sisters. poor guy is drowning in the estrogen ocean with only a good ol boy daddy as a lifeline.

then there's the diva. 4 years old, sassy as hell, and don't you already know she knows everything? wayy too smart and observant for her own good. i can't get through a day without offering to sell her to the circus. i mean, what is with this kid? must be genetics. DISCLAIMER: i may have given birth to the diva, but i blame her insanity on her daddy.

that's it for now, as coincidentally, the diva is now demanding my attention....


wait.....wait. dont' want my friends here to get butthurt, and even though they know, i'm letting you know that i LOVE my friends here, and without them, i could never survive it here. MWAH!