Friday, September 3, 2010

the love life of a kindergartener

so, the diva started kindergarten.watching the diva's life unfold is more interesting than any soap opera i've ever seen. i spent the first week of her kindergarten career listening to the entire life story of J, the boy who sits next to her. apparently, J is in karate, and has already KISSED A GIRL (which the diva thought was gross). then it's all about how she's learning to read. now she has to read everything. nah, that doesn't get annoying after awhile. really, it doesn't.

in the afternoons, i babysit the charmer. the charmer is a 6 year old cutie patootie (though he'd get totally grossed out if he heard me say that). the diva and the charmer get along like a house on fire, for the most part. last week i overheard them making life plans. they agreed to marry, as long as they never have to kiss. as the charmer put it "i'd rather kiss puke". the diva was unoffended and replied "i'd rather kiss CAT puke". just so we're clear.
that lasted about three days, until the diva chased the charmer around the house for half an hour- trying to kiss him. not too sure what that was all about, but i did notice the charmer wasn't putting up too much of a fight. aaand, back to kindergarten.

 dear, dear, DEAR mrs diva's teacher- thank you for your patience. i don't know how you do it, but the diva loves you. meanwhile, is there any chance you could tell me who Nameless is? the diva informed us the other day that she told Nameless that he could say she's his girlfriend. except she doesn't know his name. apparently names are just insignificant details in her love life. she does, however, clarify that nameless is just at school, she's still going to marry the charmer, her REAL boyfriend.

now for the update: the diva tells her daddy last night that nameless broke up with her for another girl (that scum!!!). her daddy tells her "that's okay, there's plenty of fish in the sea".
"but, daddy, it was hard enough getting that one"

on that note, i'm off to pound my head against the wall. it might improve my day.