Monday, February 9, 2009

i got a case of the monday's with a side of mean reds

too bad i can't just go to tiffany's. and if you get that pop culture reference, you R-O-C-K rock!

so what is up with today? ugh with a side of argh. didn't really start out so bad. alvin didn't come today, so it was just elmo, animal and the diva. elmo was her usual angelic self. might have just been the insanity talking, but i get the bright freaking idea to take them to a gymnasium where they have "open gym" for kids. tumbling mats, all kinds of cool shit. fun, right? yeah. remind me not to do that shit again with animal. remember animal? suicidal with no sense of self preservation? i wasn't kidding. everything she could try to jump off of, she did. which was fine- except every place she wanted to jump off of just so happened to have a concrete floor. does she want to jump onto the mats? hell no. why? off the side of the trampoline? sure! off the stepstool to the water fountain? why the hell not! and this place is strict. you have to be with your kids at all times. uh huh. to quote one of my favorite doctors, all i wanted was "to clone myself and a year's supply of adderol".

does it end there? of course not! time to leave. elmo holds the diva's hand, who holds mine. i'm holding animal's hand in my other hand. WHOOSH! off she goes, breaking my hold straight into the parking lot, damn near gets hit. her dad says they haven't really worked with her on staying with them in public. i'm guessing this lesson will be coming up soon!

drive the 40 min drive back home, and animal and elmo fall asleep- for the last ten minutes. elmo goes straight back to sleep. animal doesn't. at all. she's very tired, and has slept 10 minutes. JOYFUL! thank god this kid is always in a good mood. tired and delirous, but cheerful.

to end this mean red of a day? i'm a lazy ass. i prefer to pay my neighbor kid, dee da dee, to sweep and mop my floors once a week and to help tidy up the playrooms. so i have him come over at 3 when he gets off school. it's 745pm and he's just now finished sweeping and mopping. i had to leave at 4, left him to sweep and mop. he didn't do a very good job, so when i get home at 630, i had to have him re-do it and then help tidy up the playroom again b/c i have a huge State inspection tomorrow.

oh yeah. inspection. if you hear of a lady in a barney suit at the top of a clocktower with water balloons and an uzi, i promise it's not me!

1 comment:

  1. don't make the neighbor kid come back and do the work over he's a kid it wont be perfect

    :) i know that sounds mean...i sorry
