Friday, February 18, 2011

seriously. i suck at this blogging shit

i really never get around to updating this, do i? oh well. here goes.

the diva is now six. her boyfriend from the beginning of the year is actually named L. she and L have been on again/off again all year, though always only on and off with each other. i guess it's saying something that they stay somewhat faithful to each other? they have had a blast all year. i had to have her moved away from J because he was teaching her all kinds of things i'd prefer she not learn about yet, and she ended up across the table from L. she's been loving it. however, i just found out that L is moving in about a month. i haven't told her yet. i can only imagine the blog when that happens (wow, you mean i think i'm actually going to update??)

mrs diva's teacher- you are great. diva has been doing so well in school. she has gotten the equivalent of straight As both terms and only missed one question on her state assessment the first time, and NONE the second time. i'm really proud of her. now if only her attitude would lessen!

as for me, life has been one medical issue after another. i started having issues with my lap band (long story) and had to get gastric bypass in january. it's working out pretty well for me. i've lost 29 lbs since my bypass five weeks ago. this brings me to a total of 69 lbs. i did my measurements, and i've lost a TOTAL of 7 1/2 inches from my bust, 9 inches from my waist, and 7 inches from my hips. my stomach is still disgusting, but i'll be getting that taken care of eventually. hellooooo tummy tuck! i've gone from a size 20/22 to 12/14, in all. if i don't lose another pound, i'm satisfied, but i know i will because of the nature of the surgery.

it's been a long road for my family, too. mini miley turned 11, and over thanksgiving, i got to take her to get her first training bra. did you know that she can actually turn 17 distinct shades of red? neither did i! now if only i could break this "bieber fever", life would be great. seriously, is there a vaccine for this? i need to get the diva vaccinated PRONTO!

daddy (my daddy) got remarried this november to the new stepmom. i have to differentiate, because the old stepmom is still in my life. i really like the new stepmom, and they seem to be really happy together. i was able to go to their wedding, and it was beautiful!

the other half and i are doing well. he has been amazingly supportive throughout all my surgeries and issues, and i love him more than ever. we've been together for 11 years as of tomorrow, and will have our 7 year anniversary next month. i turned 30 last october, and i'm actually feeling pretty good about it. i'm doing better at 30 than i was at 20! i really feel like my life is truly beginning!!!!

well, that's it for now. have a lot to do, including heading out to victoria's secret. not only can finally fit into her stuff, but a side effect of the weight loss? my girls are shrinking too. oh, the price i pay!

why do i feel naked without lipstick?

1 comment:

  1. You need to update more often just like me. We should remind each other. :)
